Birding & Wildlife Viewing

More than 300 bird species have been recorded within 5 miles of the lodge

The Cayo District is well known for its abundant bird life and the lodge could not be better placed for Birders with its rich mixture of habitats and equally varied avifauna. Set in secondary growth rainforest on the edge of the Macal River, the lodge offers an unparalleled opportunity to get close to forest birds.

Each morning, the lodge sets out a tempting plate of fruit and throughout the day the birds will come in and feed just a few feet from guests at the Canopy Bar. Early morning is best and one of our bird guides is often on hand to help with identification over tea and coffee. Species such as Collared Aracari, Wood Thrush, Blue-crowned Mot-mot and several tanagers are regulars at the fruit table, usually in numbers, bickering over the melon. Other visitors to the fruit include Gray Catbird, Clay-colored Robin, and the noisy Plain Chachalacas, who can also double as your daily wake-up call!

The lodge was built on the edge of a steep incline overlooking the Macal River, and the unique wooden walkway takes you up into the canopy and amongst birds not normally encountered at ground level. The canopy walk-way extends away from the bar for over 50 meters - Forest Birding has never been so civilized!

Beyond Birding from the Bird-Walk, there are many trails at Sweet Songs that offer more possibilities for true tropical forest birding, and the recently opened trails in the outlying areas are potentially even more exciting. Parrots, trogons, toucans, honey-creepers, wood creepers, puff birds, tinamou and many more highly prized birds are all out there, just waiting to be found.

Wildlife at Sweet Songs

While Roaming the grounds, you will definitely see exotic birds and most likely our resident Howler Monkey family hanging somewhere in view from the boardwalk. However, you are likely to see other wildlife residents and visitors as well. Below are some of the more common wildlife you may encounter on the jungle lodge grounds, in the Botanical Garden or on Hiking Trails around the lodge.

Commonly Spotted Wildlife



Related to Guinea Pigs and Rabbits, agoutis are very common at Sweet Songs and in the Garden.



These friendly nocturnal animals appear nightly on the deck for their banana snack.


These little guys are a smaller version of their American cousins. Their diet consists of mostly meat, but they also climb trees and eat fruit



This photo was taken at Flour Camp Cave. Listen for their call early in the morning at the lodge.



This long-nosed raccoon-like coatimundi or "Quash" lives both on the ground and in the trees and prefers ants for dinner.



Iguanas are green when young. As adults the females turn grey and the males orange. Look for them high in the trees.



A number of these little bats can be found quietly resting in the rafters at the end of the bird walk.



Known as the "Jesus Christ" lizard because of it's ability to scurry along over water on 2 legs.



This photo may look like a snake eating a bird to you. Take a closer look and you'll see that it's a piroque. Look for this nocturnal bird on night walks.